Sunday, January 21, 2018


So I was reminded that we set up a blogger account a little while back and maybe a good place to continue writing about our adventures. Brittany brings up a good point that she does lots of pictures and Snippets on her Instagram, so if you haven't been seeing those already that is a great place to check up on some of the dailies. Otherwise, what is there to talk about...

Things have been shifting into place more and more. We are down to the last few boxes, which has been fantastic having most of our floor space available for walking and doing other things with. It has been quite a challenge to get everything organized in different ways and figure out where everything should go, but also feels like a rather large accomplishment having put almost all of it away now.

We moved out of our three bedroom house, and into a two-bedroom RV. Although it is substantially less space we know that we really didn't use a lot of our space previously, and although it may feel a little cramped at times we have been enjoying the space and find it suits us well. Just like at home, we have to get out of the house every day or two stay sane, but otherwise we just enjoy all hanging together in the same couple rooms anyway.

About a month and a half ago our little family moved into an RV. It feels like a long time ago because so much has happened since then, but it has been a fun experience. There have been a lot of things to learn along the way, and we expected it to be like that.

We now know where every Walmart is in about a 10 mile radius around us. We have also been working on taking advantage of buying expensive items from our tax-free neighbor, Oregon. And it's hard to believe that there's an Ikea 10 minutes from our house once again. Needless to say, we have found a variety of pieces to help with our organization at the large, awesome furniture store.

The area itself is beautiful. It's amazing seeing some place so green after living in high desert's for the better part of a decade. I have missed the greenery of the West Coast, and once the weather gets better we will start going on lots of hikes. Apparently that is one of the big things to do here in Vancouver Washington, and the surrounding areas.

Brittany and I are getting close to being able to work again. She has been offered a PRN position and that she will begin in February, and my license for nursing went active within the last week. Now it's just a matter of applying and  visiting potential work sites. 

Hopefully we can get more posts like this in the future. Those of you who see this, just shoot Brittany or myself a text to let us know you saw it. Just want to make sure that everything is still running smoothly through blogger since the last time we used it. On a side note, we might be transitioning to another blog-type service, so also shoot us the email you would like to receive notifications through.

For the most part things have been falling into place. Our home is very close to being fully organized, we are starting to figure out job stuff once again, and we might be moving on to a more permanent property to park our RV by the end of this month. We are excited to continue our journey in our little home. The boys seem to be enjoying it, and usually when they are happy we are happy. Because then they are not driving us batty.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

My new year's resolution is to write in our blog.
Haha I didn't specify how many times- let's get this over with so I can enjoy the rest of my year!
Last time I talked about how nice and non-hectic life was. This needs an addendum. Life is now chaotic, with more than enough to keep both of us busy.
To start off, I am in the nursing program at Westminster in Salt Lake City, UT. This is a rather intensive program, with quite a bit of reading and homework to do on a weekly basis. Don't get me wrong, so far it has been fairly enjoyable, but at the same time it is very stressful. The worst part of the year thus far was actually the very first week- Brittany and I both came down with a debilitating flu on the first day, and ended up in the Taylorsville insta-care that night. It was an awful experience, and I straight-up missed my first class of the nursing program. It bummed me out, which only added to the pain of dramatically losing all my fluids... Thankfully our neighbors were able to watch baby while we fled to the insta-care for a few hours till we could be seen. It was incredibly nice of them to assist us so last second.
In retrospect that was probably the worst point so far. Despite the fact that it's been stressful nothing has been as horrific as that first day. Since then I've learned a lot of interesting things about the nursing process, met a variety of neat people, and started to kind of get a pattern.
Of course it's always hard to get a pattern with a baby. Especially when he keeps changing his own pattern up. For instance, last night he randomly, for the first time, slept a little over 9 hours. 9 hours!!! Just a few months ago we were having to wake up every 2 hours to feed and change him. It's crazy how quickly he is changing.
We were also fortuitous to have Britt's mom come out for a few weeks. She preemptively came out after our bout with the flu in anticipation that baby would catch it too. Oddly enough he never caught the flu, but she sure did. Ty did end up getting a regular cold during her stay, so it was super that she came out anyways. It was fantastic having someone else around to help as we adjusted to my going back to school.
On a random side note he also tried rice cereal for the first time. When the food was put in his mouth he didn't have any reaction. Then all the sudden his eyes got BIG and he was like What was that???? Guess he wasn't expecting to try his first semi-solid food. From there on he was happy to help mom guide the spoon into his mouth... and hold it there as he sloppily slurped the spoon dry.
Britt has been busy with work and projects at home. She is almost at one and a half years of working at Intermountain Medical Center, and acts like she still likes it quite a bit. It may not be what she wants to do for the rest of her life, but she gets satisfaction out of her work and enjoys the company of her coworkers (frequently able to sit for chunks of time talking... even when hubby is waiting outside..........). In fact, it sounds like her work is rather appreciated because of how thorough a job she always does.
As to her projects, maybe she'll talk about them herself (hint hint if you read this Britt). Just in the last little bit she made a pillow, finished an intense mobile for Ty's room (with the help of her mom), they started resurfacing one of the chairs, and probably more that I'm not even aware of. So many projects to keep track of lol.
Altogether things are going pretty well. It's sometimes hard to get myself to study every day (which I kind of need to do to keep up), but it also makes me excited about working as a nurse. Ty is now mobile and keeping us busy, but he smiles so much that it's impossible to stay mad at him. I do spank him, but through multiple layers of diapers he doesn't mind. He just thinks I'm love-patting him and it's kind of therapeutic for me...

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Wellll time to write in the blog like I do every month. I took a break you might say? NAW-AW. I have no idea what you are talking about.
Just fed the baby and now he's wiggling on the floor behind me, trying to decide if he's going to enjoy being a baby or freak out on me for putting him down. Thankfully it looks like he got onto his tummy and is entertaining himself... for the moment.
Things can change so quickly.
Life has been full of changes lately, but thankfully not too hectic. That will probably all change soon but for at least the next week or so I will be chilling at home with Ty waiting for school to start. So what have been some of the big changes lately?
Well to start we have a wee babe of 4 months names Tiberius. He is a fun little guy but a lot of work. Getting onto his tummy is no big deal now, rolling either way. He's full of cooing and loves to be snuggled, especially in a playful way. Every once in a while he practices his baby talk and is getting good at laughing. His pediatrician appropriately named him a "happy spitter," meaning he pukes up little puddles of formula (both non-digested and thoroughly curdled :D). He also loves being held, supported standing, and can be very inquisitive when not in one of his tired, cranky moods. Brittany and I have been keeping a log of funny and adorable things he does since birth and she says she might type it up sometime when it's done.
Not only did we get a brand new baby boy, but we also bought a town home in Taylorsville, Utah, moving from our apartment in the Avenues. We liked a lot of things about the Avenues, but as soon as we realized that a 1-bedroom apartment might be too small for our soon-to-be family of three we started looking for another place. Not only that but we thought it would be nice to have more room when family came to stay with us, and it has helped a lot!
It's a cozy place with more than enough room for just the three of us (although the extra room definitely does help with all of his baby stuff) (everyone was right- babies come with a ton of stuff!). But the extra space has been extremely useful, ranging from having our families stay with us to Britt's brothers staying with us for a while. I'm hoping sometime we might even have our grandparents come stay with us at some point- that would be a lot of fun!
Gonna go make some grilled squash for Britt but I'll try to come back and keep updating on our latest happenings.